
The prices for translations and proofreading depend on the length, difficulty and subject area of the text. Below you will find my general price range. If you have any questions or would like to request an individual offer, do not hesitate to contact me!


German - Italian:

from 0.70 (general texts) to 1.80 €uro (very difficult subject area texts) per norm line à 55 characters

from 0.07 (general texts) to 0.15 €uro (very difficult subject area texts) per word


Italian - German:

from 1.10 (general texts) to 2.20 €uro (very difficult subject area texts) per norm line à 55 characters

from 0.10 (general texts) to 0.20 €uro (very difficult subject area texts) per word


Certification of German and Italian translations:

10.00 €uro


Proofreading of Italian texts or translations:

from 30.00 (general texts) to 60.00 €uro (difficult subject area texts) per hour à 60 minutes.